Watch full episodes of Smart Show by Sreekandan Nair on Flowers TV Malayalam Channel

Smart show Reality Show on Flowers TV
The reality show to find out the smallest in a Smart Family. A thrilling family based quiz show to prove who is the smartest guy in the family. The ability to grab the prizes kept in the store within a restricted time is the main highlight. Prizes will be kept in a closed room called store with a door arranged to close within specified time. Each question will be asked simultaneously and there will be 2 more persons from the same family supporting each one to pick up the prize within the time frame. Prizes include Motor bike, Car , Cycles , Gold, Silver, House hold utensils etc. The real test is to pick up maximum costly items within the given time. The overall packaging will be to inform, educate and create humour with family spirit. The tempo will be maintained throughout the show to create tension which will mount in every episode. Prizes premium articles including gold. Indivitual prizes if the contestant fails to take the prize within the time and the door is closed, the winner will lose the entire prizes.
Friday to Sunday, 9.00PM - 10.00PM on Flower TV
Courtesy: Flowers TV
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